By bus to the center of Prague


The bus Nr. 341 stops outside the camping site gate.

Take the bus to the station "Nádraží Modřany"(takes 30 min). Then take the tram no. 17 will take you to central Prague(for ex. 14 stations till “Staromětská”- takes 23 min). The tram interval during the day is maximum 8 minutes. At night is it about  25 min.

To use bus and tram you will need tickets: persons 15-69 years 40 crowns, child 6-14 years or dog 20 cr. You can  also have a day ticket for 160(80) cr. Persons from the EU older than 70 years use public transport for free.Only have to show to the bus driver a passport or an identity card with a photography and birthdate.    Tickets you can buy at the automat by reception.

Back you go again first by tram no 17 to Nádraží Modřany and by bus 341 to the campsite.

On average, every second bus (marked in the timetable) is a bus with lower floor - also suitable for disabled people or mothers withbaby carriage.


bus to Prague